Sunday, March 16, 2008

PLAY?! (adults only)

If you are feeling energetic a little bit, or even love playing. So now it is your turn. It is time to play! If you think that you grew up enough to stop playing. That is what is required, adults to play the game of pretending. Pretending that you are a real Egyptian citizen.yah! Are you ready? But first of all as every game must have its own rules .so it's time to set rules...If you agree to these rules, then you are gonna to click on the button of start, seem hurried? Slow down we are just at the beginning. To be areal Egyptian citizen as in the game, or more accurately to pretend that you are, you have to leave all your wrong habits and trivial traditions away. For example: you will have to walk on the pavement as a good citizen. I know that is hard for you and you aren't used to do so, or it maybe be shameful for you to break your own laws that requires going in the opposite direction of everything, just to save your uniqueness from being distinct…also remember no more horning your klaxon .if you are gonna to complain that all people do so,, you have to catch up with them, as" the world is developing by us" .And if there is no traffic congestion ,you won't do so. So it is the government responsibility to solve this problem and then you obviously won't touch your klaxon. What such a wise man? I apologize to you for this disorganization but you have to commit that if you won't get more babies to this life -if not to save us from this congestion and overpopulation, just to save them from living all their lives horning their klaxons too-,I guarantee that all these problems will be solved basically. and if you are saying that you are a poor citizen don't have the luxury to buy even a little car and you have no choice but to get in the crowd transportation like ordinary citizens .ok then you get it to yourself .Do you leave your seat to a lady , old woman or old man. or you take a seat regardless of that sign saying that this place is reserved for the old ,and insist seating pretending not to see them screaming from pain. Holding your seat as if you are going to take it home with you! And please don't scream in my face saying that" isn't it the equity you call for? Women equals men, you claimed that, then you have to bear the consequences, Isn't it your fake liberty you always seek? Aren't you always trying to get out of male society domination and live without restrictions on your own lifestyle, then go ahead but go away from me and don't annoy me with your trivial talking". No sir. You are wrong, you misunderstood what equity means. It doesn't mean becoming senseless .it means not to make something banned for her and obviously let it is allowed and ok for you. It means not to make your wife a servant for you, cooking, cleaning, make you happy and cheer you up whenever you want and you don't! Raising your children and they are also yours! Serving you as "se sayed" without any appreciation or grateful words .Of course, she doesn't wait something in turn for her effort but just self recognition. We as women didn't ever call for considering us invisible creatures, we are calling for no more "sye said'ages.we won't be "Amina"any more. We have our entity as well.sorry, back to the game rules, also no more throwing trash in the streets, don't tell me you don't. Remember no cheating in this game. Yes it is pretending, but that doesn’t mean pretending to be a liar. Simply, it is pretending the truth we seldom confess. Again you are going to complain that there are no rubbish baskets in the streets and it is the responsibility of this sleepy government that seems lives in other planet but of course not ours! I would tell on the behalf of it, you when you pay the governmental taxes, talk about what ought to be. When you do so, then the government would be able to live us in luxury and provide these baskets easily. You may accuse me iam with government, but I swear iam with the right. If you unfortunately get sick of the game's rules, they are not finish yet and the list is long to a degree you can't ever imagine. Get sick of your self first. Realize that you aren't areal good citizen...stop tricking yourself anymore. Repeat your calculations. Maybe be you realize that you were wrong.Then change is supposed to be the next step otherwise you will be eliminated from the game. The game of life…..and sorry to announce that

Game Over!!!

But if you follow game's instructions from the first beginning, then congratulations, now you deserve to be called a real good citizen …but wait you are nominated to the next level! There won't be ever enough of rules but the challenge is that whether you decide to go on or just take enough …it's your choice to win against your self or to just give up and surrender. Are you ready? And for those who don't want to play correctly, playing request is still pending if you change your opinion and get back to your conscious...May I say welcome back?

Are you kidding?

A study says that 53%of men believe that women take more than their rights and what they deserve…as soon as I read this, question jumped into my head. Are we living at the same country? Do they really mean Egyptian women? They should be mistaken. How come they are talking about Egyptian women, while their position in our society retards back. How come they said that women in Egypt took more rights than they deserved? Can you even count them to me? or May be they mean the Egyptian women experience more pain and difficulties more than their abilities ,they were always in the second place while they deserve to be in the first…and if we suppose that they are right and 53% of men think that about Egyptian women. Then what's about foreign women? The French, American, or British one .if we compared both of them, we will find that there is no way to compare. We-Egyptian women-didn't reach ever to this level. To the level that women are preferred in jobs than men or at least equal, to the level that we are encouraged to do something rather than disappointing us that whatever we did, we would remain in the back. To the level that we feel that we don't exist, and our place isn't in the kitchen serving men and they aren’t even grateful. Gender gap in our society began to increase .a little attention should be given to the women. They only need chances to prove themselves. No more restrictions are to be set on them while men are living the way they want, but women shouldn't! Why? Simply because they are women! Didn't you witness injustice like that? This society gives every right to the man, and uproots it from women. Remove restrictions from him, set it on her. What such a difference? On behalf of all women: To those who voted among 53% and to those who think the same. You don't know anything about women; you seem certainly talking about another woman, of course not Egyptian one. Trying to manipulate facts instead of facing them won't be the solution. Eventually a simple advice, get out from your limited thinking .Try to see others well as you see yourselves clearly enough that made you don't see the other gender, but only you. And if you can't, tell me to get you magnifying glasses. The prescription is pills of truth. And don't worry there is no side effects. But if you don't take them, all your life will be side effects of your poisoning thoughts!

Friday, February 29, 2008

The Road to the White House ,who wins?




Day after day, American presidential elections launches anew turn, getting hotter than it has ever been. and the question of who is gonna to win still debated ,and sooner or later it would have a certain answer, but no one thinks what's next ,what we are waiting from this president! If this president would be Hilary.Obama.or even Mccain! beginning with Mrs. Hilary who has confused the public with her position of voting on American war on Iraq and later on she opposites it in contrast leaving all her previous principles she believed in and struggled for , that action caused in turn a lot of angry reactions not only from her opponents, but also from the people were supporting her, attacking her saying that she doesn't have a specific position,-and to say the truth she gave them the chance to do so-some times being in favor of something and later change her position and became strongly against it, ,How come Americans can choose her to be their president If she is now changing her opinion and confused us, so what is gonna to happen when the American people let her rule them?!? serious doubt is being cast on her ability to win the nomination. as in the case of Obama, he is the luckiest candidate to win in the presidential election, who un expectedly wins in most states till now though he is black, born in slavery ages, come from African roots and not from the elite, prove that American people not only black, trust him and believe that he can represent all types of people in spite of their roots, classes and colors ,and for Hilary Clinton ,if she wins ,she will be the first lady to take over and rule America. So either Barack Obama or Hilary wins, it will be a shift in the American history .still the debated question pending, who is gonna to win, Hilary or Obama from democrats' party or John Mccain from the republicans' party? It is hard to predict, as they are both too close to the top than it has ever been. Neither is now at all certain .But for us who wins has a totally different criteria. for us , who wins is closely linked to one issue, very simple and very complicated at the same time, and it is simply who is paying much more attention to Middle east issues, who is able to get out from Iraq with a little damage and try as possible to resolve what others cause with their stupidity as there is no longer time for talking and useless negotiations, serious action should be taken, who is gonna to know that Egypt won't ever let any country no matter how big and powerful it is to interfere in its matters under any pressure, even it is the US aid to Egypt or whatever else, who is understanding that Egypt isn't a puppet state and it has its own full sovereign entity that it is a red line can't be penetrated under any circumstances, we need a person can be able to put an end to the American-Iranian conflict, so don't be tricked, we-Egyptians- do care about the American presidential elections may be also concerning us more than the American people! The national vote will take place in November, the four, when the American people will vote around the country to decide not only America's but also the world's destiny. that is not to say that the American election should pass as its previous did, we should benefit from it and realize how democracy process reached there, proving practically that "democracy is better than breeding revolutions", let Egypt infect from this American democracy mania, we don't want any injection to get rid of it, but to the Egyptians less attention to politics, and less caring about what is going on in their country. There is a huge different between what is and what ought to be, realizing what is going on in our political arena isn't enough to reach what ought to be, the motivation to get to our potential democracy won't be found anywhere but inside us first, only when we believe that we can do something !

Thursday, February 14, 2008

don't miss it!

Event Info
"The Road to the White House" with MAC
U.S. Presidential Primary Elections
MAC 2008 don't miss it
Education - Lecture
Time and Place
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences
Cairo University
Giza, Egypt

A new event in the 7th anniversary celebrations,The Model American Congress MAC is going organize a seminar about the process of the U.S. Presidential Primary Elections and its impact on the Middle East. the panel will include:- Mr. Haynes R. Mahoney ,Counselor for Press and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo. - Dr. Jerry Leach, Director of the American Studies Center at the American University in Cairo.the Panel will be moderated by Dr. Mohamed Kamal, the director of the American Studies Center at Cairo Universuty.

for more info. join the group Mac 2008 don't miss it on the facebook

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