Sunday, March 16, 2008

Are you kidding?

A study says that 53%of men believe that women take more than their rights and what they deserve…as soon as I read this, question jumped into my head. Are we living at the same country? Do they really mean Egyptian women? They should be mistaken. How come they are talking about Egyptian women, while their position in our society retards back. How come they said that women in Egypt took more rights than they deserved? Can you even count them to me? or May be they mean the Egyptian women experience more pain and difficulties more than their abilities ,they were always in the second place while they deserve to be in the first…and if we suppose that they are right and 53% of men think that about Egyptian women. Then what's about foreign women? The French, American, or British one .if we compared both of them, we will find that there is no way to compare. We-Egyptian women-didn't reach ever to this level. To the level that women are preferred in jobs than men or at least equal, to the level that we are encouraged to do something rather than disappointing us that whatever we did, we would remain in the back. To the level that we feel that we don't exist, and our place isn't in the kitchen serving men and they aren’t even grateful. Gender gap in our society began to increase .a little attention should be given to the women. They only need chances to prove themselves. No more restrictions are to be set on them while men are living the way they want, but women shouldn't! Why? Simply because they are women! Didn't you witness injustice like that? This society gives every right to the man, and uproots it from women. Remove restrictions from him, set it on her. What such a difference? On behalf of all women: To those who voted among 53% and to those who think the same. You don't know anything about women; you seem certainly talking about another woman, of course not Egyptian one. Trying to manipulate facts instead of facing them won't be the solution. Eventually a simple advice, get out from your limited thinking .Try to see others well as you see yourselves clearly enough that made you don't see the other gender, but only you. And if you can't, tell me to get you magnifying glasses. The prescription is pills of truth. And don't worry there is no side effects. But if you don't take them, all your life will be side effects of your poisoning thoughts!

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